viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Theremin Virtual Instrument

The Theremin, it is an electronic instrument invented in 1919 by the physicist and musical Russian Lev Serguéievich Termen, later named León Théremin

This instrument has a box and two antennas. The magic of this instrument resides in the way of playing, because it is not necessary to touch it in order to produce the sounds, the pitch is controlled moving the right hand and the volume with the left hand.

With these two antennas we can play electronic sounds very similar to a chelo, but with a totally new and very Martian sound, depending on the execution and your imagination.

Clic on the image above to play with the Virtual Theremin using the mouse and you will understand better the use of this instrument, you can record the sounds with the Record button.

Here there are some videoes about the theremin, i hope you will enjoy with them. 

Learning to play the Theremin

The Legend of Zelda Theme with Theremin

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